6th International Conference on Engineering for a Sustainable World ICESW 2022

Engineering for a Sustainable World


The aim of the conference is to bring together international experts, scholars, policy makers, industrialists, etc to discuss contemporary and cutting-edge research in engineering management, innovation, energy development and clean technology. This conference will also provide a golden opportunity to meet experts and develop new collaborations on the fundamentals, applications and products from various fields such as: sustainable energy, sustainable cities, engineering innovations, clean technology/production, sustainable materials and engineering, mechatronics, renewable energy systems etc.


JULY 18, 2022

First round of abstracts/full papers submission

AUGUST 22, 2022

Notification of acceptance of abstracts/full papers


Second round of abstracts/full papers submission

SEPTEMBER 26, 2022

Notification of acceptance of abstracts/full papers

OCTOBER 3, 2022

Final round of abstracts / full papers submission

OCTOBER 17, 2022

Final notification of acceptance of abstracts / full papers.

The conference technical session will be devoted to: 

  • Clean energy
  • Engineering education for sustainable development
  • Sustainable Process engineering and circular economy
  • Nanotechnology and its applications in sustainable energy and environment
  • Advanced and applied materials in sustainable energy and environment
  • Biotechnology and its role in sustainable development
  • Waste treatment and valorization into value added commodities
  • Political and Institutional aspects of Sustainable Engineering
  • Food-Water-Energy Nexus and Sustainable development
  • 4th industrial revolution and its role in sustainable engineering practices
  • Modelling and simulation as a tool in sustainable engineering practices
  • Environmental impact assessment and sustainable development
  • Safety process engineering, loss prevention and control in industry
  • Hydrogen economy
  • Sustainable engineering and circular economy
  • Postharvest Technology in sustainable food security
  • Sustainability in Process, Materials, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering

Roundtable discussions and breakout sessions will also facilitate open discussion on selected topics
focused on sustainable engineering application.

Paper Details (For Presentation & Publication)

All accepted full papers would be invited to give an oral presentation of the study and be published in the Conference’s selected publication outlets.